Site Problems

The site has been down since April 5. After much diddling around with various facets of the database and code, I finally deleted all the plugins. Apparently, WordPress updated itself and one or more of the plugins was incompatible with the current version of WordPress. Thus, a completely blank screen when visiting the site. I’m happy to say that the site is now back up. Now to the rigor of checking each plugin for compatibility.

Old Dad…the weather is back!

Finally Got It

Today. Success. I finally loaded Mountain Lion and it’s running successfully on my mid-2009 MacbookPro. I loaded it onto my secondary drive instead of my primary drive. In the process, the problems I’ve been having with Mail got repaired, so it’s also running smoothly. There’s must be some issue with my primary disk drive, but I’ve run Tech Tool Pro, Disk Tools Pro, and Disk Utility on it and can’t find a problem.

We’ll I don’t care. It’s all working now. Now I just have to figure out how to use all the new features of Mountain Lion.

Ups And Downs

Mountain LionYesterday was a day of anticipation as I prepared my MacBook Pro to install the latest and greatest operating system, Mountain Lion. Got it ready; clicked the button in the App Store ($20); waited the 1.5 hours for download; waited the 2 hours for install; rebooted. Crap. None of the iWorks apps would launch, Mail took 18 hours to covert the Mail database and didn’t finish, tons of other apps crashed.

Today I spend the day converting back to Lion and recovering my data. Now I’m back and running. Guess the latest and greatest isn’t really the greatest.

Made The Leap

So I finally made the leap to a new theme. The old one was called Simplicity, but was kind of boring. This one is called Ahimsa by Ravi Sarma. It’s a tad more colorful and has these neat rounded corners on everything. The theme is skinable, so I’ll be able to change the color scheme, if necessary. Now the only thing left to do is to revamp the Now Reading library to display properly under this theme.

I hope you enjoy the new eye candy.

By the way, if you don’t see the sidebars, there is a tab on each side labeled sidebar which when clicked will reveal them. Conversely, if they’re shown, you can hide each one by clicking on its sidebar tab.

Bored With Current Theme

I’m getting bored with the current theme, Simplicity. I’m going to change it, but I haven’t found one that floats my boat. Also, every time I change themes, Now Reading, the plug-in that displays the books I’m reading, breaks. The theme writers don’t use the same names for similar style elements, so plug-ins that use templates that display whole screens break if the names change. Perhaps I’ll get lucky and have the new theme use the same style names as the old theme.