Charlene The Servant

Charlene With Stockings

My wife Charlene is a servant. Not only has she served our family for over forty years, but also she helps others. She serves as a youth coach at our church, volunteers at a food pantry, and sews for Operation Shoebox.

Operation Shoebox is an organization started in central Florida by a woman who has five sons serving in the military. A few years ago (2003), she got the idea to fill shoe boxes with goodies and a personal letter to send them to military personnel serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

They no longer send shoe boxes because the postage was prohibitive. Now they send bags. Charlene is one of the volunteers who manufacture the bags.

At Christmastime, instead of bags, they make Christmas stockings. The photo depicts the stack of stockings Charlene made for the 2006 Christmas shipment. As you can see, she didn’t just settle for slapping together a couple of pieces of material. Each one was made with the special care and love that only Charlene can give.

Operation Shoebox recently sent their 200,000th package to military folks in Iraq and Afghanistan. Congratulations, Operation Shoebox!

6 thoughts on “Charlene The Servant

  1. Dear Char,
    We have been wondering what you have been doing beside riding around in your golf cart—should have known you would be doing something amazing!
    Happy Birthday!
    Betty & Old Dad

  2. How great! How blessed you must be to be using your gifts for God!

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