Congratulations, Mr. President. You’re the first President that I can remember who could render a proper military salute.
If you’re going to honor the fallen, you might as well do it right.
Way to go!
Don't take me too seriously. I don't.
I’ve been trying to decide what to make of Barack Obama’s acceptance speech a week ago Thursday before the Democratic National Convention.
First let me say that I thought the speech was dynamite. Obama is a first class orator and he was superb in his delivery. And even though he was criticized by some for lack of detail in his plans, I thought he had plenty of detail for an acceptance speech.
Like others, my first view of Obama was during his keynote address to the DNC in 2004. His message of “were all Americans” was inspiring. I thought, “This guy is destined for great things in politics.” I admired his bent to statesmanship instead of the same old party politics that punctuates most political activities. Good idea. Let’s cooperate and accomplish the stuff that America needs. Let’s all do it together.
Four years later and some of the idealism and statesmanship have been traded for the politics of getting elected. I understand the need for this, yet I long for the old Obama. And I don’t hold this against him. I hope, that if he is elected, he can return to his place as one who calls for us to rise above ourselves for the good of America.
What Hillary lacked in support for Barack, Bill Clinton supplied. Bill actually endorsed Barack for President. Hillary’s speech was an, “It’s all about me,” speech. Bill’s was, “Obama’s ready to be President,” speech–in spite of all the things he’s slammed Obama during the primaries. Clinton is a pro and he showed it tonight.
Beloit Freshman List: Beloit College has published its annual list about this year’s freshman class. Here are some of the highlights regarding the class of 2011, born in 1989: