If they don’t fix my lawnmower soon, I’ll be able to sneak around the yard without anyone seeing me.
Tag: silliness
I just finished reading and article in Reader’s Digest entilted, “105 Unforgettable People & Places.” I can’t remember a one.
Cost of Education
Read in the paper this morning that a school district in Maine is giving iPads to each enrolling kindergartner. Yes, that’s kindergartner. They’re getting the $700 models. I think I’ll go back to school.
No wonder the cost per student in the US is around 10 grand each.
Only In America
We just received a letter from the U.S. Department of Commerce telling us that our 2010 Census form will arrive in about a week. I’m glad the government is spending billions to tell us this. Last year we received a letter from the government telling us that our stimulus check would arrive in about a week. Anybody else think this is a waste of money?
Screwy Ad
In this morning’s Daily Sun, an ad for a shoe store claimed, “We have a huge stock of reduced shoes.”
I think I’ll wander on down there to see if they have some size thirteens that have been reduced to nine and a half EEEEs.