Do the Do (Over)

The political buzz around Florida is the possibility of a do-over primary. The Democratic National Committee last year ruled that Michigan and Florida delegates elected in the January 29, 2008 primary would not be seated at the convention because the primary date violated the rules of the DNC. Now, with the race “too close to call” some are crying, “Foul!” and want Michigan and Florida to count. So the party of enfranchisement is trying to figure out how to dis-disenfranchise the 1.7 million voters in Florida 1and I don’t know how many in Michigan whose vote didn’t count.The cost of another primary is estimated to be $17 to $25 million dollars. 2Some have whittled the estimated price down to $6 million by conducting a mail-in primary  The DNC says they don’t have enough money to pay. 3Read that, “Correct our mistake.” And Florida’s governor Charlie Crist will sign a bill OKaying the primary as long as the State doesn’t have to pay. Who do you think should pay for the do-over? 


1 and I don’t know how many in Michigan
2 Some have whittled the estimated price down to $6 million by conducting a mail-in primary
3 Read that, “Correct our mistake.”

One thought on “Do the Do (Over)

  1. Me personally, after the last election I didn’t think Florida should ever be involved in anything remotely related to Presidential elections.. 😆 ..No offense my brother in law. I love you. As far as the redo in June time will tell. 😕 I’m still trying to figure out why we are spending 42 million dollars sending letters to everyone who filed a tax return to look for their tax rebate checks in the mail. DUH! 🙄

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