I just finished my third Kindle book. The Kindle is everything I thought it would be and more. I don’t miss having the actual book in my hand and I love being able to grab the same thing all the time to read during the day.
I still read actual books. At night before lights-out, I read and actual book. And devotional type books, at least so far, are actual books.
A Christmas gift from Mrs. Major and Sweet Dau Major and birthday gift from Old Dad, my Kindle finally shipped today.
In case you don’t know what a Kindle is, it’s an electronic book. Kindle users can download books from Amazon.com or upload files to be read from their own computers.
Sweet Dau gave me an appropriately decorated Visa debit gift card with “KINDLE FUND O’ DADNESS” emblazoned on it. I couldn’t figure out how to apply that card as a partial payment for the Kindle so I pre bought a bunch of books. Here’s the list: