It’s now the end of a very long day and Mrs. Major is recovering nicely. She was a little groggy for the first few hours but became more alert as the day progressed. The morphine they put in the spinal is holding out and so far she has no pain in her knees (or anywhere else for that matter).
Dr. Duke used a relatively new technology on Mrs. Major, women’s replacement knees. They’re sized a little differently and angled a little differently than men’s replacement knees which, until just recently, were used for all replacements. Using women’s knees should speed up recovery and reduce complications later.
Cool, huh?
I often thought that women’s knees were different—-Glad char is doing so well!
Vive le difference!
I loved my morphine drip. She will be very comfortable. I’m so glad that the medical establishment finally understands the best healing occurs when pain is properly managed.
I’m glad to hear Char is doing well. Get some sleep and take care of yourself too!
Hey Mike! Glad all is well on the east coast! When you and Son Mike are on the west, give us a call! Got nothing planned for the first week of June so maybe we can meet?
It’s good to hear that Charlene is doing well although she may not have a leg to stand on for a few days. We expected good results with all the prayers on her behalf.
Give her our love.
I’m sure women’s replacement knees are much more beautiful too!
Sure hope today is good for her. Three cheers for pain medication! Have thought of her very often today and yesterday! Take care of yourself. The caretaker is very important! love Pam
glad to hear the good reports rolling in! Let us know if there is anything we can do for you guys.