Well, the hard part is over with. Today, the dentist pulled #8, chopped off a bunch of bone and stuffed it into the hole #8 left, ground #7 down to fit a crown, and knocked off the crown on #9. His assistant made the temporary bridge pictured here.
I feel pretty well all considered. My gums are a little roughed up and of course the socket where the tooth was extracted is throbbing a little. The naproxin sodium seems to be working, though. I’m also on six days worth of antibiotics.
Probably the most uncomfortable part will be the prohibition on rinsing my mouth for two weeks. Apparently, they stuffed some compound into the socket over the bone graft to hold everything together. That along with the temporary bridge is keeping everything packed tight. They’re afraid if I rinse my mouth, especially with mouthwash, it will dissolve the compound and everything will come tumbling out. Just don’t get downwind of my breath.
If everything goes well, in two weeks I’ll return so they can make impressions for the permanent bridge.
Let’s hope all goes well.
I’m tired. I think I’ll take a nap.
It looks a hell of a lot better than that dark one you have had for ? years—-you are not supposed to look better as an old fart—
I take after my Old Dad.