Good Progress

It’s now the end of a very long day and Mrs. Major is recovering nicely. She was a little groggy for the first few hours but became more alert as the day progressed. The morphine they put in the spinal is holding out and so far she has no pain in her knees (or anywhere else for that matter). 

Dr. Duke used a relatively new technology on Mrs. Major, women’s replacement knees. They’re sized a little differently and angled a little differently than men’s replacement knees which, until just recently, were used for all replacements. Using women’s knees should speed up recovery and reduce complications later.

Cool, huh?

Early Get-Up Worth It

What an early get-up. Up at 4:30 am for a 5:45 check-in at the hospital. Son Major said, “Are you going fishing or something?”

The pre-op process was excellent here at West Marion Community Hospital in Ocala, FL. They were very thorough and friendly. Of course they asked Mrs. Major her name, date of birth, and who her surgeon was about a gajillion times, but, hey, it’s good to be sure.

They kicked me out of the room at 7:00 am and wheeled her into surgery. She was done just short of 10:00 am and did well. She’s in recovery and will be until around noon, according to the doctor. 

There is no Internet access, here in the hospital, so I’m going to hunt a Starbucks or some other Wi-Fi hot spot.