
Here are the tag rules:Link to the person that tagged you: Tasty (my sweet Dau)!Post the rules for the me-it’s-all-me on your blog. And here they are:Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

  1. I usually ignore tags. But since Tasty was completely out of people to tag, I’ll play along.
  2. It’s been about two hours since I started listing these seven things. Maybe I’ll quit trying to make this interesting…which is why I’ve not posted here since November. Nothing interesting to say.
  3. We just returned from a cruise on Carnival Cruise Lines. If you’ve never cruised before, Carnival would be a wonderful experience. It’s just a notch below RCCL, Norwegian, Celebrity, and Holland America in service. Lots more activities, though.
  4. I’ve done our own tax returns all but one year…sometime in the mid 70s. I paid H&R Block $35 to do something I thought was complex but turned out to be easy. It helps to use Turbo Tax.
  5. I get really annoyed when someone tells me how to do something that I already know how to do.
  6. I am really enjoying retirement. My wife recently said she’s surprised that I didn’t get a part time job or volunteered for Habitat for Humanity or something. I guess leading the youth band (Everfall) at church doesn’t count. Besides, I don’t want another job.
  7. I just got up to pee for the fourth time since starting this exercise. Not only have I always had a “tiny bladder”, but also I now have an enlarged prostate contributing to the problem. I doesn’t help that my wife and I started a diet today during which we have to drink eight, count em’ eight, glasses of water a day. That and the coffee are running through me like an eight-year-old through Christmas packages.

So there, I’ve killed two birds with one post. The following folks are tagged: Mandy, Scoop, Vicki, and BLB. (I know it’s only four. I don’t have that many friends.)OK. I’m done with these tagington thingys.

6 thoughts on “Tagged

  1. Hang on I have to p. :mrgreen:

    I did this about two years ago, too lazy to go look for the link. Rarely am I ever agreeable to tagging stuff. 🙄 I have slides to scan, email to check, etc. So sorry.

  2. I cheated. Mike, I think you’re the only person who looks at my blog/webpage, so I hated to tag you back since you hate tags. I morphed mine into email tag. I hate chain emails, but I did it because I love you. 😉

  3. Your bladder problem is not from your genes–I only go once a day but it takes almost half an hour! Only drink one beer for lunch and almost never water! Keep in mind, my memory is very unreliable!

  4. You are too funny 😆
    I think I know all of that about you except for the prostate 😯 eek. Flomax here you come.

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